Psychotherapy Teen
H adolescence relates to a time period where the person becomes the receiver of many pressures, and is required to balance between the adult and a teenage life. The teen is required to give his own complexion in his relationships, interacts differently with friends and often rejects his parents, as well as supports that don't understand or don't take into account.

Psychotherapy Teen
H adolescence relates to a time period where the person becomes the receiver of many pressures, and is required to balance between the adult and a teenage life. The teen is required to give his own complexion in his relationships, interacts differently with friends and often rejects his parents, as well as supports that don't understand or don't take into account.

Psychotherapy child
Children of preschool and school-age children experience daily emotions positive and negative just like the adults. It is a great mistake to believe that because they are small in age, I don't understand, because children perceive their own , unique and innocent way of doing things. On the occasion that our office is trying with services to give the child and his family, and a healthy mental environment so that it can be expressed spontaneously and freely through the game, the painting and other activities.
The material resulting from this process of externalisation, can then be analysed with the parents, so that they -and this is the most important - to be able to understand any more evidence is needed to change in their behavior, which usually are responsible for the deviant behavior of children.
Therapy Adult
The treatment of adults aims at the recognition, assessment, and awareness of the difficulties experienced by the adult, and significantly affect the functionality of everyday life. In addition, the role of the therapist in addition to providing interventions that will alleviate the difficulty of the patient, will help him to understand the causal factors of the difficulties and the instructions to be followed in the periods in which the symptom is likely to come back.

Therapy Adult
The treatment of adults aims at the recognition, assessment, and awareness of the difficulties experienced by an adult, and significantly affect the functionality of everyday life. In addition, the role of the therapist in addition to providing interventions that will alleviate the difficulty of the patient, will help him to understand the causal factors of the difficulties and the instructions to be followed in the periods in which the symptom is likely to come back.

Emotional/Physical Abuse
Abuse in any form is not only reprehensible but also destructive to both the physical and mental health of the individual. People who have experienced physical, mental or any kind of abuse usually seek psychotherapy with the aim of not only the healing of wounds brought on by abuse, but, and seeking help in order to delineate and to stop allowing others to treat them κακοποιητικά.
Management of Suicidal ideation
The wishes of death, the thoughts of death and suicidal ideation are themselves symptoms of a general negative emotional state, which I guess is an extended period of time with the result that the person feels trapped in this situation, and that maybe only death will redeem. Depending on the severity of such thoughts, the therapist is required to assist the patient to relieve the negative feelings and to begin to recognize and invest in positive moments and positive emotions.

Management of Suicidal ideation
The wishes of death, the thoughts of death and suicidal ideation are themselves symptoms of a generally negative situation, which is probably an extended period of time with the result that the person feels trapped in this situation, and that maybe only death will redeem. Depending on the severity of such thoughts, the therapist is required to assist the patient to relieve the negative feelings and to begin to recognize and invest in positive moments and positive emotions.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
An intense, emotionally charged and traumatic situation many times associated with negative thoughts that create feelings of anxiety and fear about the possibility of this condition to come back or recur. The emotions are magnified and ultimately the person looking for help in order to escape from this vicious circle of anxiety and fear. This is precisely the role of the therapist in these cases. Together, therapist and patient are looking for solutions in order to break the vicious circle and to replace anxiety with other feelings, more positive and more functional.
Management Of Grief
Mourning, or any type of loss usually stigmatizes the human psyche. The process of mourning includes a lot of stages in order to complete and requires time.

Management Of Grief
Mourning, or any type of loss usually stigmatizes the human psyche. The process of mourning includes a lot of stages in order to complete and requires time.

Tackle Fears And Phobias
Fear is a negative emotion so intense, that many times pushes us to avoid situations, objects, persons, or behaviors which are associated with stimuli which the cause.
Psychosomatic Problems
Pain in the stomach, headaches, stomach pain, intestinal problems, blood pressure are some of the symptoms the body shows in order to "hit the bell" that something's not right either from a pathological point of view, or from psychological.

Psychosomatic Problems
Pain in the stomach, headaches, stomach pain, intestinal problems, blood pressure are some of the symptoms the body shows in order to "hit the bell" that something's not right either from a pathological point of view, or from psychological.

Addiction is a behavior characterized by a dependence on a specific activity, but also to substances. Is caused by smoking, drugs, alcohol, gambling, internet etc. There are many stages of addiction. Addiction, as it develops, becomes a way of life. Billions of people live trapped in one of the many addictions. In essence, today is treated as an addiction almost every custom followed other measure of a person is aware of having difficulty or is unable to appease and much more to give it an end.
The kit is indicated by the presence of at least three of the following symptoms:
• Strong desire to use the substance
• Development of tolerance in the use of the substance
• The presence of withdrawal symptoms with a reduction or cessation of use of the substance
• Consumption of significant time around the usage behavior
• Abandonment of important activities in social, occupational, or recreational, due to the use.
Obsessed with the use of the substance, despite the fact that it causes the user serious physical or psychological problems and malfunctions in the main areas of his life. The addict continues the use of substances or compulsive behavior, despite the harmful consequences and is trying to systematically avoid the responsibility and reality, while it tends to isolate himself from the others because of the guilt and pain.
Psychosocial rehabilitation
Social reintegration is a process that takes place in almost every case, difficulties of the individual. Whatever the difficulty of the patient affects either directly or indirectly, the interaction with the society as a whole, and the way the individual acts in the society.